3 Easy ways Catholics can explain to friends why they believe in God
Sometimes it’s hard for non-believers to understand why Catholics have such faith in God. Here are a few ideas that might help. Friends come in all shapes and sizes and …
Sometimes it’s hard for non-believers to understand why Catholics have such faith in God. Here are a few ideas that might help. Friends come in all shapes and sizes and …
These brilliant cards are the perfect way to connect people in the pews with all the wonderful things the Church has to offer them. whatever sin you’re struggling with, there’s …
The custom is biblically inspired and was instituted by Pope Gregory X in the 13th century. There are many bodily gestures that Catholics perform at Mass, and one of them …
Many people still don’t know the secret to making every moment count. Life has never been busier, and even though we may want to bring our faith more into our …
… and what can be done to fix the problem. As the managing editor of a Catholic dating site, I see three big problems in the dating world … On …
Sin has three consequences: Guilt, Debt, and Stain of Sin. Confession can remove the guilt; the sinner or anyone on behalf of the sinner can “pay” the debt, but only …
Perhaps the practice has died out in public, but I still catch myself doing it… We were always kissing things. Growing up in an ethnic Catholic neighborhood full of large …
All because she had three Masses said for the repose of his soul. During the 17th century, a grieving young girl approached Benedictine Abbot Millán de Mirando at the monastery …
It’s More Often Than You Might Think Most people think that they can receive Holy Communion only once per day. And many people assume that, in order to receive Communion, they must …
And What It Can Teach Us About the Christian Life What does it mean to be a saint? Looking back at the late 20th century, many people, if asked to name …