The 6 sins against the Holy Spirit
Essentially, they are 6 manifestations of one and the same sin: rejecting the grace of God to the point of forbidding Him to forgive us and save us The Gospel says in Matthew, …
Essentially, they are 6 manifestations of one and the same sin: rejecting the grace of God to the point of forbidding Him to forgive us and save us The Gospel says in Matthew, …
We do it, our kids do it, but here’s how we can change it. About once a week, I overhear the beautiful sound of my two daughters talking as they …
“Amen, amen, I say to you: If any man keep my word, he shall not see death forever.” —John 8:51 The Distinction between two types of sin All sin is …
The Cause of All Other Sin The seven deadly sins, more properly called the seven capital sins, are the sins to which we are most susceptible because of our fallen …
If we are always in sin, how can we recognize which ones to confess? Should we confess only the ones we are conscious of? These questions are rather interesting, because …