Pope Pius XII’s Prayer in Honor of the Assumption
A Prayer of Pope Pius XII This beautiful prayer in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was composed by Pope Pius XII. In 1950, the same pope …
A Prayer of Pope Pius XII This beautiful prayer in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was composed by Pope Pius XII. In 1950, the same pope …
Saint Valentine, officially known as Saint Valentine of Rome, is a third-century Roman saint widely associated with “courtly love.” He is the Patron Saint of affianced couples, engaged couples, epilepsy, …
Besides the Indulgences attached to the Rosary, Our Lady revealed to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan de la Roche additional benefits for those who devoutly pray the Rosary. Our Lady’s …
The most famous statue of Jesus is also considered the largest Art Deco statue in the world. It is the 5th largest statue of Jesus in the world with a …
A Prayer to the Most Holy Name of Jesus If you are a Catholic who has a pregnant family member or friend, or if you yourself are expecting, you may be thinking …
Hail Mary Song SHARE THIS PLEASE Hail Mary Song Is Reaching Far. ENJOY THIS GRACE NOW Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou among women and blessed is …
Recognizes 2 Martyrs and Heroic Virtue Pope Francis on Monday, Oct. 9, 2017, authorized the Congregation for Saints’ Causes to promulgate the following decrees: MARTYRDOM Servant of God Tullio Maruzzo (né …
Asking Our Fellow Christians in Heaven For Help Like all Christians, Catholics believe in life after death. But unlike some Christians who believe that the divide between our life here …
To become a faithful follower of Christ Most of our prayers to God are directed to God the Father or to Jesus Christ. Christ told us, however, that He would …
The graces of perfection The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are granted to us through sanctifying grace. In this prayer, which is part of the famous Novena to the Holy Ghost recited every …