Today, spirituality has become a commodity. Everybody is offering spirituality in a box. So we encounter a lot of tips, tricks, methods and quick solutions. The great mystery to spiritual growth might be that it’s not so much of a mystery. It’s simply recognizing God is in action at all times.
The most important part of spiritual growth isn’t special knowledge. A humble and willing attitude is all you need. God doesn’t want a change of conduct. Instead, he wants to change your heart.
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. He motivates you to get to know Jesus more. This relationship produces blessings in your life for yourself and others. As the truth of the resurrection conquers your heart and mind, you give up more control to God. In his hands, your spirit soars free.
Oh blessed Lord,
I seek your presence now. Let me hear your voice. Speak to my heart.
Show me how to be open to receiving your Word.
Help me, oh Lord, to grow in your Spirit of truth.
Guide me to understand people and situations.
Show me your hand at work everywhere, always.
Let me know Jesus. May I receive his mercy, his teaching, his love.
And may my life produce the good fruit of his Spirit.
Help me, oh Lord, to obey your will with joy no matter what the cost.
As my soul is redeemed by the blood of Christ.
All this, I ask and trust in Jesus’ holy name,