7 ideas about the mission you have with your godchild
It is always a wonderful gift to be invited to patronize someone, for this is a service of love. But is it clear to us what this really means?
If you have been invited to be a godfather of baptism or confirmation of someone, it is worth understanding what your mission is and putting it into the hands of God, who will give you all the graces necessary to accompany your godchild on the path of faith that the Lord himself invited us to tread.
Here are 7 ideas about the mission that you have as a sponsor:
1. Your Life is Your Resume
His witness of life is fundamental to enlighten the life of his godson on his Christian journey.
2. Give the best gift
The best gift you can give your godchild is not something material for your birthday or Christmas, but a sincere accompaniment of your spiritual life and your relationship with Jesus.
3. You are not a surrogate parent.
It is part of his mission to accompany the parents of his godchild, to be part of this spiritual family united by faith.
4. Share what you have the best
Godparents share their faith; therefore it is necessary to nourish and grow it, to be prepared to respond to the godson’s doubts and to accompany him in his moments of darkness, especially illuminated by the Word of God.
5. Practice what you teach
Godparents are called to be assiduous in their parish, committed to their faith and to the life of the Church, especially in regard to the living of the sacraments.
6. Stay Close
Try to create a real bond with your godson and your family, sharing time together, knowing your process and your development as a person and as a Christian.
7. Take full responsibility for
Baptism opens the doors of heaven to the baptized, who becomes part of the Church, son of God and with a vocation to eternal life. Those who accept being a godfather or godmother do so in a permanent way, as a demonstration of love, but also as a service to God, accompanying this new Christian in his development and maturity.
Whoever accepts this challenge and this responsibility does it for ever, since the condition of son of God is eternal; therefore his task of love, companionship, care and guidance does not end when his godchild becomes an adult, but continues throughout his whole life.