You will be amazed at the testimonies of these great saints about the power of St. Joseph!
Numerous Josephus and saint writers defended the great intercession power of St. Joseph, precisely because he gathered in himself a treasury of riches, concentrating the splendours of all the saints.
The great theologian Thomas Aquinas teaches that “some saints were given the privilege of protecting us in special cases; to Saint Joseph, however, was entrusted with the task of assisting us in all our needs. ”
Saint Teresa of Avila says that “in heaven everything Saint Joseph asks is done.” Indeed, after Mary, St. Joseph occupies the first place in the heart of God; so no one after Mary and the Savior can grant us more graces than St. Joseph.
Gerson says that: “In heaven Saint Joseph does not ask, but commands, does not impetra, but prevails.”
St. Teresa, a great devotee of St. Joseph, said: “I never remember having asked for a favor from St. Joseph without having received it immediately.”
The founder of the Congregation of the Oblates of Saint Joseph, the blessed Joseph Marello, relied so much on the power of intercession of St. Joseph, who affirmed: “If St. Joseph did not grant graces, it would no longer be St. Joseph.” For St. Teresa, the graces St. Joseph gives are the search for forgiveness of sins, love for Jesus and Mary, an interior life and a good death.
It is before such a power of intercession that Pope Benedict XV considered that the devotees of St. Joseph have the shortest path to holiness; and Pius XI, a great devotee of the father of Jesus, affirmed that he has an “omnipotent” intercession before God.
(Fr. José Antonio Bertolin, OSJ)