Praise the Trinity in the first moments of the morning and call down God’s blessings on your loved ones.
The first few moments of the day are always critical and typically set the tone for what will transpire. A long-standing tradition in the Catholic Church is to pray a morning offering, giving to God all the fruits of the day that lie ahead.
Here is an example from the Golden Manual, directed at the Holy Trinity. It not only praises God, but also asks for God’s protection for you and your loved ones throughout the day. If you want to start your day off on the right foot, here is one prayer you can try.
I adore and glorify you, O blessed Trinity, God Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I offer myself to your divine Majesty, humbly asking you to take from me, and from all the faithful, whatever displeases you, and to give us that which is grateful in your sight. Grant that we may here do what you command, and hereafter receive what you promise.To you O Lord, I commend my soul and body [my spouse and children, my father and mother, my brothers and sisters]; all my relations, benefactors, friends, and acquaintances; all who have injured or offended me; and all whom I have in any way scandalized injured, or offended; all who have asked my prayers, or for whom I am accustomed or bound to pray; supply all their necessities, comfort and support them in all their trials and afflictions, deliver them from all temptations, make them in this world truly to know, love, and serve you, and to enjoy you hereafter in heaven.Lastly, I commend all universally to your divine protection, that you may grant to the living forgiveness of their sins, and to the souls departed, rest and peace. Amen.