The Church celebrates this Sunday, November 26, 2023, the solemnity of Christ King of the Universe. Here is a prayer, dictated by Jesus himself to Sister Mary of Christ the King, that you can say on this occasion.
Established by Pius XI on December 11, 1925, the feast of Christ the King is the last solemnity of the liturgical year. Here is a prayer that it is possible to recite on this occasion, a prayer which was dictated by Our Lord Jesus Christ himself to Sister Marie of Christ the King (1906-1968) on the feast of the Precious Blood of 1927 at the Benedictine Monastery of the Holy Sacrament in Paris:
O Jesus, the Only King of the Universe, we prostrate ourselves at Your feetto adore You and take You for our King and our Guide. Yes, Lord, to You all nations are subject.
You alone are the true King; You alone are the true Peace. You alone are the Light. We worship You alone! You are our support, You are our wealth, You are our Master, O Great God of Heaven and earth.
We believe very firmly that You are truly present in the Holy Eucharist. You are there alive, loving.You want to feed us with the Bread of Life. Yes, come and feed Your children.Your eyes are fixed on souls. You watch over all nations.Your Heart is for us a haven of rest.
We therefore dedicate ourselves to your Heart as King and Prince. To You alone, Lord, all Glory, Honor, Love be returned until the end of time and throughout all Eternity.