Devotion to Blessed Carlo Acutis (1991-2006) continues to grow throughout the world. An interest in the young blessed which is only growing thanks also to the numerous parishes where it is possible to venerate his relics.
Carlo Acutis was a young person of our time, interested in the Internet, video games, sport and, above all, the Eucharist. He is a young person who knew how to put Christ first and transmit him to others through his virtues. Proclaimed “servant of God” only a few years after his death, in 2012, then “venerable” in 2018, he was then presented by Pope Francis as a model for youth in his apostolic exhortation Christus Vivit . Finally in 2020, Carlo Acutis was beatified.
In recent years, the “Acutis phenomenon” has only grown exponentially. Schools, parishes and sanctuaries were interested in his life and offered him as a model of holiness to follow. Many of them were even able to receive a relic of the blessed and offer it for the veneration of the faithful, thus further growing devotion to the young Italian.
Relics around the world
Contacted by Aleteia, Carlo Acutis’ mother, Antonia Salzano , confided that today, her son’s relics are present in almost all countries: “In India, Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Africa, in Singapore, Cambodia, China, Australia, the United States, Brazil, almost every state in South America and almost all of Europe.” A relic of Carlo Acutis is present even in the Vatican City since Pope Francis himself has a first degree relic, Antonia Salzano confirmed to Aleteia.
“Relics are useful because saints who have many merits in Heaven can intercede so that the Lord can grant miracles,” Carlo’s mother explained in 2022 in an interview with Aleteia . “When people come into contact with these relics, or when they are exhibited or carried in procession, there are healings and liberations. Since the first centuries of Christianity, the Church has always venerated the relics of saints. We are therefore continuing this tradition of the Church,” she said.
A miracle in 2013
During the veneration of the relics of Carlo Acutis, believers also claim to obtain numerous graces through his intercession, and miracles have already occurred. Among them, the miracle officially recognized by the Holy See which served to proclaim the beatification of Carlo Acutis.