Begin your day by engaging in a little spiritual warfare!
It is often said that how well your morning goes will determine the outlook of your day. This is especially true in the spiritual life!
If we allow ourselves to be lured by a temptation early in the morning, we will be more susceptible to spiritual attacks as the day progresses. This is why it is important to begin the day by declaring our love and loyalty to God, asking him to drive away the devil and his temptations.
Here is a short prayer from the Golden Manual that can be added to your morning prayers, fortifying your life with the “armor of God.”
O Holy Trinity, one God, defend me this day from the deceits and temptations of the devil, keep me from all sin, and preserve me from sudden and unprovided death. Raise up, O God, my body from sleep and drowsiness, and my soul from sin, that I may praise and glorify thy holy name, to whom belongs all benediction, and honor, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, now and for ever. Amen.