Christmas is one of the most awaited and important holidays of the year because it is also a day of family unity. However, it happens that one of the chairs remains empty during New Year’s Eve.
When one of our loved ones dies, it is natural to experience a time of mourning. This process helps you face your pain and learn to live without your loved one. It is therefore important to go through each of the stages that make up grief: denial, anger, negotiation, depression and finally acceptance. If you are in this case, it is very likely that you feel frustration when Christmas arrives , already knowing that this year’s celebration will be different.
These feelings of sadness and anger that you are experiencing are completely normal. You may even think that there is no point in celebrating Christmas. However, don’t forget your loved ones who are still there, and remember that you are not alone. Remember also that it is when you feel vulnerable that the healing love of Christ intervenes , among others through those who are still alive and who want to accompany and support you.
Here are some tips for celebrating Christmas despite the painful absence of a loved one:

Impact Photography/ Shutterstock
After the loss of a loved one, the temptation to be alone on Christmas Day can be great. However, it is more important than ever that you can surround yourself with people who love you to chase away any sadness on this day of joy. Being in the company of other people, whether at home or with another family member, will allow you to distract yourself and feel less absent. Live this Christmas Eve thinking of this little child in the manger who is Love and heals everything.

Voronaman/ Shutterstock
You may feel guilty for being happy when you have just lost someone close to you. Guilt prevents you from enjoying what is real and within your reach. Yet, very often, no one is responsible for someone’s death. It is important to face this situation and move forward without remorse or guilt. If negative thoughts invade you, think about the real reason you celebrate Christmas: the joy of the birth of the Savior.

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When pain and sadness pass through you, pray to the Child Jesus : pray for your deceased loved one, but also for you, so that God comes to bring you his peace and consolation and that you can live Christmas to the fullest. You can work through each of these stages of grief with those who love you and want to care for you, trusting that God’s hand will guide you.