Meditating on the lives and actions of the saints, and not just on their words, can bring out new virtues and make you want to be like them.
Looking closely at the lives of the saints, you often find yourself confronted with true heroes, people who had a sense of sacrifice, who were focused on others and who had in their hearts an immeasurable love for God. Saint Joan of Arc , Saint Thérèse of Lisieux , Saint Maximilian Kolbe , Saint Padre Pio , Blessed Carlo Acutis … so many different and extraordinary stories that can inspire everyday life.
Imitating the saints brings forth new virtues
It is one thing to know that Christian love invites sacrifice, but it is another to see the concrete actions of saints like Saint Maximilian Kolbe, who gave his life to save that of another prisoner. It is one thing to understand that motherhood is a total gift of oneself to a child, but it is another to see how this came to fruition in the life of Saint Gianna Beretta Molla who sacrificed her life to protect that of her unborn child.
The lives and virtues of the saints are inspiring. Discovering their story encourages us to imitate their patience, their kindness, their courage, their love. Just as they edified other saints in the past, they can edify Christians today. Thus, Saint Joan of Arc inspired Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, Saint Ambrose influenced Saint Augustine , or even Saint Padre Pio inspired Carlo Acutis.
Failures and holiness are not opposites
It is not only the successes of the saints that can be a source of inspiration and reflection, but also their failures. Thus, despite difficulties and sins, the saints show that it is always possible to rise and sanctify oneself…. And that gives a lot of hope!
For example, Saint Maximilian Kolbe, before becoming a triumphant martyr in a prison camp, admitted that he often struggled with the same sins. Every man has vices and bad inclinations against which he must fight, and learning that Saint Maximilian spoke so openly about his struggles is liberating because, in the end , his sins did not have the last word!
Saints encourage being the best version of yourself
The lives of the saints are an example offered by the Church and encourage us to be better. At the same time, the saints make people realize that God has a plan for everyone. Indeed, they responded to the particular call that God had for them and they are therefore all different from each other.
The saints can bring out in you something that you had perhaps never imagined: the discovery of a new devotion, the desire to sacrifice, a new virtue or even the desire to sanctify yourself!
Each saint is unique. Saint Francis was completely different from Saint Louis , who was completely different from Blessed Franz Jägerstätter , or even Padre Pio. These saints clearly show that conformity is not the path to happiness, but that being the best version of yourself is, that is, being who God wants you to be.
Saints as role models for children
When children learn about the lives of new saints, they want to pray to them, imitate them, be inspired by them, be friends with them. Thanks to these saints, their faith comes alive and becomes real. Even parents are called to live in an equally admirable manner, as their children are constantly observing them.
Learn about the saints with your children and try to live like them. The saints will be able to bring forth, in you and in them, something that you had perhaps never imagined: the discovery of a new devotion, the desire to sacrifice oneself, a new virtue or even the desire to sanctify oneself!