Prayers to use in worship or as prayers when passing near a church
Lord Jesus Christ, my God and Son of the living God: I adore you, praise and bless you, glorify and magnify with all my heart. I confess and believe, with whole and living faith, that you are in this Divine Sacrament, true God and true Man, enclosed in a most wonderful and wonderful way.
My almighty God, with that adoration that is due to your Divine Majesty, I adore you.
Living bread, which you have descended from heaven to give life to the world, I adore you.
Venerable Sacrament, who are the treasure of all virtues and graces, I adore you.
Holy Sacrifice, that you placate God and sanctify souls, I adore you.
True Body and Blood of my Lord Jesus Christ, born the most pure entrails of the Virgin Mary, I adore you.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, I adore you.
Wonderful Sacrament of love, who are life of the spirits and precious food of the Angels, I adore you.
Most High Mystery of the Catholic faith, I adore you.
God is hidden and our Savior, I adore you.
Holy Host and Chalice of blessings, I adore you.
Divine Most Sacrament, which are a memorial and compendium of the wonders of God, I adore you.
Divine Viaticum of the sick, that you are a healthy immortal medicine, I adore you.
O my Jesus, the splendor of the glory of the Father, I adore you.
Divine Word and eternal Wisdom, I adore you.
Divine Food, by which the children of men become children of God, I adore you.
Living bread, by virtue of which the Creator joins the creature and mortal man rises to Heaven, I adore you.
A perennial source of heavenly delights, I adore you.
Spiritual meal of chaste and devout souls, I adore you.
(via Towards holiness )