Here is Saint Padre Pio’s prayer to ask God for healing.
Saint Padre Pio is known throughout the world for his powerful intercession and healing power. His immense faith has inspired many Christians and he continues to answer their prayers. Many miracles are attributed to him during his lifetime and after his death. Here is a little prayer from the Holy Padre which relies on the Passion to ask God for help:
O my Jesus, give me your strength when my poor nature revolts before the evils that threaten it, so that I can accept with love the pains and distresses of this life of exile.
I adhere with all my strength to your merits, to your sorrows, to your atonement, to your tears, so that I can work with you in the work of salvation and that I have the strength to flee sin, the only cause of your agony, your bloody sweat and your death.
Destroy in me everything that displeases you and imprint on my heart, with the fire of your holy love, all your sufferings.Kiss me so intimately, with an embrace so strong and so gentle, that I will never leave you in your cruel torments.
I ask only one rest: on your Heart.I only desire one thing: to participate in your holy Agony.May my soul be intoxicated with your blood and nourished by the bread of your pain.