I return to the year 2000 when I gave up my monastic call and the separation was bitter.
I returned to the bosom of my family, but things were very different after a year and a half of getting away. In the monastery, she refused to talk to family members. My father was sick. He refused his visit to the hospital. The monastic laws forbade this.
I went back to my family and everyone began to blame me for leaving my father dying and my mother needed me. What is this God who torments the parents by separating their son and what is this monastic order that does not pay attention to the people of the monk?
During this period I was listening, silence was my companion, despite the great sadness of my time.
I used to go to the shrine of Saint Charbel in Lebanon every day. I ask Allah for help. I am beginning to feel a great persecution within my family.
One day my older brother and his friends ridiculed me and they called me “the Ghashi” who wanted to follow God and stay away from the world and who wanted to live as Charbel and here he is outside the monastery.
I was very sad, and I said, Saint Charbel was not Gashi !!! My brother Ali, Ghashi and Nus.
When I heard these words, I cried out and said, You have the right to accuse me of what you want, but do not touch the saints with a word. My brother rejoice again.
After midnight and everyone slept, we were at home screaming. We all ran into my brother’s room, which for hours could not speak, so the neighbors heard his screams and called us to ask what was happening.
A few hours later, the sweat was festering from my brother. He looked at me and said, “What is left of Eid?”
My mother asked him what had happened. He told me: “I prayed to a monk whose face I could not distinguish from fear. He wore a weapon. I felt like I was on my chest.
I knew then that this monk is St. Charbel, and it is known that my brother and for many years did not come from the chair of confession or from handling.
The next morning, we all climbed up and my brother’s comrades and the radical change that made my brother after them was a nice euphoria.
The saints of the Church are alive, and Mar Charbel is still the voice of God in our society, return to God, the kingdom is near.
Source: ar.aleteia.org