On the threshold of a new year, it is customary to make resolutions. What if, for a change, we thought of the one that opens as the continuity of the previous one, in the extension of the path of Advent?
What resolutions should you make for 2024? Let’s try, to begin with, to approach this new year not as a break for a new beginning, but rather as a continuity. Let us rely on what Advent relearned us to live and on what the incarnation of the Savior tells us of the goodness of God. Let us continue to walk with those who accompanied us during the wait for Christmas . John the Baptist, for example, who tirelessly prepares the paths of Christ, reminds us to always make more room within ourselves, to welcome this God who makes himself very small to better join us in our own smallness. Let us thus make our hearts the cradle which receives the child Jesus , so that he may remain in us always.
In his absolute confidence
Let us remember that it was a manger that welcomed the divine child and that we will never be unworthy to receive him as long as our heart calls for him. This is all he is waiting for to let himself be known. Let us become like John the Baptist . Let us make our own and relay this voice that cries in the desert in order to open up faults in the world and in hearts. These are the gaps through which the light will pass.
Let us also follow Mary in her absolute trust in the Lord. Let us receive the spotless faith of the little child who finds in his father all joy, all love and all justification. Let us expect everything from him, accept everything from him, place everything in his hands, convinced that the paths on which he leads us all lead towards the Good. Let us rediscover the confidence and peace of the man who, in the Garden of Eden, could fearlessly hear the voice of God moving in the breeze of the day.
This step more
So perhaps, let’s consider this further step in our paths towards God with always in mind the idea that the trust we place in Him is crucial in His eyes. We remember how much this joys him. Let’s go back to being the wildly confident child who relies on him on every occasion. Let us imitate Jesus, Son of God, so that – audacious hope – the Father will one day say of us: “You are my beloved Son, in you I find my joy! »