Your party is on March 19th and the novena goes from the 10th to the 18th
March 19, St. Joseph’s Day
Saint Joseph , husband of the Virgin Mary and adoptive father of the Child Jesus, faithful and humble in the fulfillment of the mission entrusted to him by God, is a model of family virtues and guardian of pure souls. His liturgical feast was fixed on March 19th in the fifteenth century, for until then it was celebrated on different dates. From 1621, the feast was celebrated by all Catholics, and in 1847 St. Joseph was declared patron saint of the Holy Church.
When to pray the Novena to Saint Joseph
It starts on March 10 to end the day before the party. The same novena can be made even from April 22, to end a day before the feast of St Joseph the Worker, on May 1. Of course, anyone who wants to pray the novena at any other time of the year can also do it freely.
It is recommended that the novena be preceded by a well-made confession, after a good examination of conscience, and that it commune every day or at least in one of them, for greater fruit in the soul and greater glory of God.
How to Pray the Novena
1st day – Saint Joseph, the nourishing father of Jesus
Beloved St. Joseph, who had the honor of nourishing, educating and embracing the Messiah, whom so many prophets and kings wished to see and did not see, obtained with me the forgiveness of my sins, the grace of humble and confident prayer that reaches all God’s. Welcome with paternal goodness the requests I make in this novena and present them to Jesus who deigned to obey you on earth. Amen.
V /. Pray for us, St. Joseph, the nourishing father of Jesus.
R /. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory to the Father … Saint Joseph, pray for us!
Let us pray. O God, that by an ineffable Providence You have chosen to choose the blessed Saint Joseph for the Spouse of your Most Holy Mother, grant that the one whom we worship on earth as a protector deserve to have him in heaven through our intercessor. You who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.
2nd day – Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Virgin Mary
Saint Joseph, the most chaste Spouse of the Mother of God and faithful guardian of her virginity: May the purity of body and soul and victory in all temptations and difficulties obtain for me through Mary. I commend you also the Christian spouses, so that, united with sincere love and strengthened by grace, support each other in the sufferings and tribulations of life. Amen.
V /. Pray for us, St. Joseph, Spouse of the Mother of God.
R /. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory to the Father … Saint Joseph, pray for us!
Let us pray. O God, that by an ineffable Providence You have chosen to choose the blessed Saint Joseph for the Spouse of your Most Holy Mother, grant that the one whom we worship on earth as a protector deserve to have him in heaven through our intercessor. You who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.
3rd day – Saint Joseph, Head of the Holy Family
Glorious Saint Joseph, who you have enjoyed for so many years of the presence and filial affection of Jesus, to whom you had the nourishment and dress, together with your Blessed Spouse, I implore you to give me the ineffable gift of always living in union with God by grace sanctifying It also obtains for Christian parents the grace of faithful fulfillment of their grave duties as educators and children, respect and obedience, according to the example of the Child Jesus. Amen.
V /. Pray for us, Saint Joseph, Chief of the Holy Family.
R /. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory to the Father … Saint Joseph, pray for us!
Let us pray. O God, that by an ineffable Providence You have chosen to choose the blessed Saint Joseph for the Spouse of your Most Holy Mother, grant that the one whom we worship on earth as a protector deserve to have him in heaven through our intercessor. You who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.
4th day – Saint Joseph, faithful
Fidelissimo, Saint Joseph, who has given us such a fine example in the faithful fulfillment of your duties as protector of the Blessed Virgin and of the nourishing father of the Redeemer, I ask you to grant me the grace to imitate your example in fidelity to all the duties of my state of life. Help me to be faithful in small things, to be faithful also in the great. Reach this same grace to all who are dear to me in this life, that we may come to enjoy in heaven the prize promised to those who are faithful unto death. Amen.
V /. Pray for us, St. Joseph, an example of fidelity.
R /. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory to the Father … Saint Joseph, pray for us!
Let us pray. O God, that by an ineffable Providence You have chosen to choose the blessed Saint Joseph for the Spouse of your Most Holy Mother, grant that the one whom we worship on earth as a protector deserve to have him in heaven through our intercessor. You who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.
5th day – Saint Joseph, patient
Kindly Saint Joseph, who endured with heroic patience the trials and adversities on the journey to Bethlehem, the flight into Egypt during the hidden life in Nazareth and gave me the example of admirable conformity to the will of God, obtains me the virtue of patience in the difficulties of each day. Acquire also invincible patience to all who bear heavy crosses, so that they will unite more and more to Jesus, divine model of meekness and patience. Amen.
V /. Pray for us, Saint Joseph, a mirror of patience.
R /. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory to the Father … Saint Joseph, pray for us!
Let us pray. O God, that by an ineffable Providence You have chosen to choose the blessed Saint Joseph for the Spouse of your Most Holy Mother, grant that the one whom we worship on earth as a protector deserve to have him in heaven through our intercessor. You who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.
6th day – Saint Joseph, worker
Humble St. Joseph, who lived in poverty, you dignified your profession for constant work and you felt happy to serve Jesus and Mary with the fruit of your sweat, obtain me love of work, which was imposed on me as a duty of state, seeking fulfill the will of God always. Protect the homes of the workers of Brazil against the harmful influences of the enemies of Christ and of the Holy Church. He obtains to them the grace to sanctify their work, by the right intention, in everything conformed to the designs of Divine Providence. Amen.
V /. Pray for us, Saint Joseph, model of the workers.
R /. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory to the Father … Saint Joseph, pray for us!
Let us pray. O God, that by an ineffable Providence You have chosen to choose the blessed Saint Joseph for the Spouse of your Most Holy Mother, grant that the one whom we worship on earth as a protector deserve to have him in heaven through our intercessor. You who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.
7th day – Saint Joseph, Protector of Holy Church
Glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph, Protector and Patron of the Universal Church, obtains me the grace to love the Church as Mother and to honor her as a true disciple of Christ. I beseech you to watch over your Mystical Body, as you once veiled Jesus and Mary. Protect the Holy Father and the Bishops, the Priests and the Religious. Reach them holiness of life and efficacy in the apostolate. Guard the innocence of childhood, the chastity of youth, the honesty of the home, the order and the peace of society. Amen.
V /. Pray for us, Saint Joseph, Protector of the Holy Church.
R /. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory to the Father … Saint Joseph, pray for us!
Let us pray. O God, that by an ineffable Providence You have chosen to choose the blessed Saint Joseph for the Spouse of your Most Holy Mother, grant that the one whom we worship on earth as a protector deserve to have him in heaven through our intercessor. You who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.
8th day – Saint Joseph, consolation of the sick
Compassionate Saint Joseph, the hope of the sick and the needy, avail me in all sickness and tribulation, reaching me fully in conformity with the admirable designs of God. For me and for all I pray in this novena, cure me of spiritual infirmities, which are disorderly passions, weaknesses, faults and sins, and protect us against the temptations of the enemy of our salvation. Amen.
V /. Pray for us, Saint Joseph, consoling the sick.
R /. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory to the Father … Saint Joseph, pray for us!
Let us pray. O God, that by an ineffable Providence You have chosen to choose the blessed Saint Joseph for the Spouse of your Most Holy Mother, grant that the one whom we worship on earth as a protector deserve to have him in heaven through our intercessor. You who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.
9th day – Saint Joseph, patron of the dying
Happy St. Joseph, dying in the arms of Jesus and Mary, you departed from this world adorned with virtues and enriched with merits, I attended the supreme and decisive hour of my life against the attacks of infernal power. Grant me the grace to die comforted with the holy Sacraments, necessary for my salvation. Have compassion on all who are dying, granting them the grace of salvation through Mary, your Most Blessed Spouse. Amen.
V /. Pray for us, Saint Joseph, patron of the dying.
R /. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory to the Father … Saint Joseph, pray for us!
Let us pray. O God, that by an ineffable Providence You have chosen to choose the blessed Saint Joseph for the Spouse of your Most Holy Mother, grant that the one whom we worship on earth as a protector deserve to have him in heaven through our intercessor. You who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.
The following prayer can be added every day:
Glorious Saint Joseph, who was exalted by the Eternal Father, obeyed by the Incarnate Word, favored by the Holy Spirit and loved by the Virgin Mary; I commend and bless the Blessed Trinity for the privileges and merits with which I have enriched you. You are most powerful and have never heard of anyone appealing to you and being forsaken by you. You are the comforter of the afflicted, the protection of the miserable, and the advocate of sinners. So take paternal goodness to him who calls you with filial confidence, and obtain for me the graces I ask of you in this novena. I choose you for my special protector. Be, after Jesus and Mary, my consolation, in this land, my refuge in misfortunes, my guide in uncertainties, my comfort in tribulations, my father solicitous in all needs. Obtain me, finally, as the crown of your favors, a good and holy death in the grace of our Lord. Amen.
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